Incentive Charts 

        All students receive incentive charts in our classroom.   These are positive incentive charts with positive rewards.  Children making good choices should be rewarded for their behavior.  The charts will come home in each Friday in the daily folder.  Please talk to your child about the chart and review any rules broken.  Then sign and return the chart Monday morning.  Praise your child for a job well done! J

        The chart is broken down into two parts each day.  It was set up this way so that if he/she makes one mistake, the whole day is not lost.  A child will still have a chance to make good choices and decisions for the second half of the day.  I truly appreciate your support with the charts.  If you would like to carry over the incentive at home that would be great.  Perhaps your child and you can plan a special event when he/she has earned a certain number of days without numbers.  The children would then see that we are working together. 


Week of




















The number in the box is the rule broken.  If there are no numbers, your child had excellent behavior! J

1.  I will be safe.                                             5.  I will listen to directions.

2.  I will be responsible.                                  6.  I will work quietly.

3.  I will be respectful of others.                      7.  I will come to school on time

4.  I will finish my school work.                       8. I will be quiet when the speaker is talking


Classroom Expectations: 

I will be safe, responsible, and respectful.